By using the TransCredit website you hereby consent to our usage of any data you may provide in accordance with the foregoing descriptions and published rate structures regarding any purchases made therefrom.
TransCredit maintains reasonable security procedures to protect your data against unauthorized access.
1. We maintain a current SSL Security Certificate for this website
2. Multiple firewall installations to retard hacking.
3. Personnel that have access to data are Certified Credit investigators.
4. IT developers are properly vetted.
5. Data exchanged with third parties is transmitted in a secure environment.
TransCredit endeavors to maintain top security; however we can not guarantee or warrant the security of any data you may submit and that said transmissions or at your own risk.
During the purchase process TransCredit collects the following data:
A. Name of cardholder
B. Billing address of cardholder including zip code
C. Phone number of cardholder
D. Email address of cardholder
E. Credit card number, name on credit card, expiration date, security code.
This data is used for credit card approval of the requested transaction.
Credit card data (E) is not stored by TransCredit, shared, rented or sold to a third party.
Data (A-D) is retained by TransCredit in accordance with the preceding “Secured Data”; however this data is not shared, rented or sold to a third party.
Any changes to our privacy policy will be posted on this website, including the effective date thereof.
TransCredit shall furnish to Customer, business credit information stored in its computerized system. TransCredit shall exercise every effort to ensure that the information furnished to the Customer in any report or listing is accurate and complete at the time of presentation, but TransCredit and its officers, employees, subsidiaries and affiliates shall not be liable for any delay or failure of TransCredit in its performance under this Agreement, including damages of any kind resulting from Customers use of or reliance on such information. Customer shall indemnify, defend and hold TransCredit harmless from and against any and all costs and liabilities which may be asserted against TransCredit based upon the improper use by Customer of information furnished to Customer by TransCredit.
The information provided in the TransCredit report is for the purchasere usage only and is not to be retransmitted or furnished to others" and purchaser hereby certifies and agrees that it will request and use such credit information solely in connection with transactions involving the consumer or business entity as to whom credit information is sought and will not request or use such information for purposes prohibited by public law.All such information shall be maintained by purchaser in strict confidence and disclosed only to employees whose duties reasonably relate to the legitimate business purposes for which the information is released.
Registered Trademarks, trademarks in use and copyrights presented on the TransCredit website are proprietary property and may not be reproduced, stored, transmitted or displayed by any means, electronic, recorded, written or otherwise without the prior written approval of TransCredit.
All purchases of credit reports are considered a final sale with no refund available.


1309 St Johns Bluff Road North Suite 103
Jacksonville, FL 32225

Toll Free: (800) 215-8448
Phone: (904) 725-2239
Fax: (904) 725-1941



Licensed & Bonded  |   Licence No. COM 9900337   |  State of Florida Department of Banking & Finance